When auto is selected for display units, the granularity should automatically change to best suite the size of the data. For example, we often have charts that have numerical ranges from the millions to thousands. In our previous BI software, it would automatically switch between showing 2.1m...
It would be great to have a feature where you define and manage parameters at Organization level or Workspace level. It would save us and I am sure a lots of Organizations out there where we need not go to individual reports every time any parameter is changed which is used across the board.
Would it be possible/nice to freeze report objects like page navigation buttons so that it won't move when scrolling vertically? This would benefit a report that expands vertically. It will work exactly like tabs in a website. :)
Is it possible to group several workspace like Sales team workspace Direction workspace ... br
Please add the functionality to refresh OAuth data sources in Power BI Report Server.
Would be great to be able to do the same likert bar graphs as in Microsoft Forms. Graph in Forms is very nice but not as interactive as in Power BI.
We should have a general usage metrics report, so we could analyze the usage of all reports of the organization at once, instead of having to access one by one.
Please add the capability to export Report Server PowerBI reports to formats like pdf, word, powerpoint. Some of this functionality exists in the service but please add it to Report Server. Using Export to PDF capabilities in Power BI Desktop for Report Server is not feasible for thousands of use...
As for now personal bookmarks are not supported in Power Bi Embedded we got this answer from PBI Support 3-4 days ago. We can see an example for them in the power Bi JS Playground page and it is very confusing as it took us more then a month to discover that Personal Bookmarks are not supporte...
Ability to copy paste queries from PBI Desktop/Excel to DataFlow in PowerBI Service to create new DataFlows. The UI in PBI is more friendly, we often design the queries in Excel and PowerBi Desktop, to copy them into service, especially for the nested queries, it's a long and arduous process of ...
In Excel and Power BI Desktop you can already do this. Improvements to the Service are coming: Generate a new dataflow from Power Query queries in an existing Excel file - Power Platform Release Plan | Microsoft Docs