Is there a way we could group Workspaces? For example can multiple workspaces be grouped under an application or a client or both?
Boolean columns or measures are shown as True or False. That from a computer programming perspective is perfectly fine, we know 1 or 0, True or False. But for a dashboard that is meant to be used by other people, it does not seem like the friendliest option. Instead of True/False, why not allow B...
When we have created a Master Report with multiple pages which are connected to a SQL Service Analysis Service Database. For smaller reports, we use this master report as a template, so each time there is the need to delete pages individually. It would be good to have the option to select multipl...
I think the scatter plot should have the feature of plot the linear regression just like the Excel has.
It would be great if the report filters /page filter are pined to the dashboard.
It would be helpful to have the option to display a Bing road map under the imported shape file.
Please add the ability to add a background shapefile to the Map Visual. For instance, in electric transmission usage, the ability to add transmission lines and facilities to the map when looking at electric demand in map view would be extremely helpful.
Hi. I am loving the growth and development of Power BI! I work with clients in medium and large enterprise. One of the needs I've identified is to be able to extend the functionality of a report or dashboard using custom workflows, macros, and automation. A couple examples: - The Sales Directo...
It would be very beneficiqal if a we can apply dynamic default filter in reports. For ex. sales of curent month, Month filter will get selected atomatically based on the query or some condition
It would be nice to know the number of business days between two dates as opposed to the entire week when not much work is completed on the weekend.