The latest (Nov 2018) release of Power Bi Desktop had some really neat improvements to the Filter pane. One missing item is the ability to sync Page level filters across multiple (not ALL) pages. One can achieve this using Slicers but slicers take up space you have to completely hide it. All...
Would be great if you could add more than one measure to a gauge to create multiple staged targets. E.g. on my current sales gauge I am tracking week to date sales. At the moment I have one target that is the equivalent WTD sales from the previous week. Each day this target increases. It would ...
Allow slicer to have tooltips added so that when the slicer value in a list is moused over the tooltips value appears. Would be useful when shortcode or numeric value is used in the slicer and tooltips can show the full description when hovered over without requiring extra space on the page
Failover support has been added for AOHA SQL Server. Which is great. However, there is no option to set the Application Intent to Read Only. This routes the Connection String to the primary, placing the reporting load on primary, and leaving secondary unloaded. Can we have the ability to set the...
It would be helpful to be able to add AD/AAD security groups to App Workspace members/admins. At the moment we are having to manually update users across most of our spaces as the Analytics team require access to all.
Important as shapes can now be linked to bookmarks
The concatenation feature is still not supported for the Waterfall chart, Line and Clustered Column chart & the Line and stacked column chart. Please fix this issue so as to have consistent and readable data on the axis.
Users used to be able to create and edit a personal copy of a content pack. Now with Apps, users no longer have that ability. Please add back the capability for users to edit and personalize an App so that they can dig more into the reports without impacting other users.
I live in a country with not so widespread currency. Therefor I have to scroll down a list EVERY TIME i want to change the format of numbers to my preferred currency. It's so frustrating and boring I decided, finally, to put this dilemma of mine and surely others, to this idea section. I would l...
Sometimes a report is used only internally for test purposes but should not be visible once published. At present it appears you would have to delete it from the model prior to publishing. It would be useful to mark it as hidden so it's not visible when published. As an extension, rather than...