We have quite a few users that we will want to sign up for our organization. Instead of requiring each individual go to the Power BI website and create their own free account and then have us assign rights to each user, it would be a lot easier if we could select a group(s) from Azure AD to autom...
Would be nice to include data tables on bar charts (Excel Style Charts). This was sort of a pain to do with Reporting Services. So it would be nice to include that functionality here. Link to example: http://lh4.ggpht.com/-Al9qTVn_JIg/UI8zLk7yUdI/AAAAAAAAEbg/_X8dK3OHasM/s1600-h/1-Charts-with-Exce...
Looking for dragging visuals/tiles between dashboards and groups
Using both Excel and Power BI Designer the data can be refreshed but the datamodel cannot. Updating or adding tables requires adding a new dataset (reimport dataset, reports, and re-pin and re-layout reports to each dashboard.
When pushing data from Azure Stream Analytics to a Power BI Dataset, you can add "reference" data in Stream Analytics, but this data is very "static". So if the name of a building would change (for example), values that are already in the dashboard would have the old name. When creating a datas...
A great design tool is still only as good as the designer. Fortunately the industry has well established design best practices for charts/reports/dashboards (e.g. Stephen Few, Edward Tufte). A Design Best Practices Analyzer could examine a design recommend changes to improve its utility and reada...
Please create a connector to include the new azure file storage.
The possibility to group reports. Financial, Production and Sales for example. If not grouping maybe some kind of tagging of reports making it possible to filter reports with certain type of information.
Sometimes clicking the wrong field means you have to wait a long time for the visual to refresh before you can change it. Let me either cancel the change/refresh or "Defer Layout Updates" as in Excel pivot tables