Currently, the only way to obtain a large/zoomed in view of data is Focus Mode, which doesn't do justice if one is looking at a graph of a large data set and wants to zoom into a very particular window. Add features such as CTRL + scrollwheel zoom or a rectangular select zoom that allows one to z...
I need a visual for bar + dot. Bar + line implies time relationship between columns which doesn't make sense for my case
It should be possible to programmatically access the PowerBI-based RLS definitions to enforce access restrictions in cases where the groups are not defined in AD.
When using connection to a sql server analysis services cube, unable to enter an mdx query when Connect Live is selected. The text box to enter the query is grayed out. As an alternative, tried Import Data option and this allows entering the mdx query but power bi does not deliver the results se...
Currently Power BI Desktop does not see the Dimension Hierarchies through a Live Tabular source. It would be quite useful if these were visible and could be used as Row/Column Drillable on Charts and Tables.
Add ability to customize the lines by changing the shape of the line that connects the data points to one of the following: "Point to Point" showing data points connected by straight lines. "Step at Point" showing data points connected by steps that start and end at the data points. "Step Betw...
Right now, when you click on a portion of a chart you have 3 interaction options (filter, highlight and none). When you click on a slicer you can only filter or none on other charts. Can you make it so that the highlight option is also there?
It would be a good addition to have the ability to link charts together so that they show the same scale on the Y-axis. So when there are two bar or stacked bar charts on one page a bar of a certain height always means the same. That will make it easier for the user to compare.
When I hover over a field in the field list or in a visualization it should tell me which table this field belongs to and also highlight some meta data about the field (if a data dictionary exists).
An iPad user expects to resize items using their fingers. I can't resize my charts in the iPad. Since the iPad is smaller (al telecast the iPad mini is). Than a desktop, you need to be able to save a different size for your iPad charts than for the charts you view from your laptop.