Power BI has deployment pipelines that support parameters for updating connection strings between different environments.Power Apps also have deployment pipelines to support solutions / dataverse tables / apps in different environments.However, these two environments do not curre...
As a Power BI Administrator, I would like to have the ability to define an expiration date for access granted to Power BI artifacts, specifically Semantic Models, workspaces, and apps. We currently have this need in our User Acceptance Testing process where we need to provide access to the UAT...
The new task flow feature makes it very easy and simple for users to create datalakes, dataflows, data warehousesbalomg with many artifacts within a workspace with the click of a couple of buttons. No save us required, it just adds objects. THIS IS A BAD THING!! </...
Over the past year, I’ve been able to work with both Pipelines in Power Platform and Fabric Deployment pipelines. Pipelines in Power Platform (PPP for short) can move solutions through development, test, and production environments (Power BI’s idea of a workspace roughly) and these solutions c...
It would be useful to be able to launch the Salseforce app for iPhone by controlling the Power BI mobile app installed on the iPhone
We are unable to see "views per page" option in Tenant audit logs and it would be better if we get such option in Tenant audit logs. Currently, we could only see the option "Views per page" in Report Usage metrics. It is difficult to go through each report to see the v...
Request to display relevant warning message or error message when exporting Excel less than 150,000 rows due to data size problem.In current design, there are same limitations regarding uncompressed data size which caused export less data then 150,000 without any warning / error message...
When an error occurs in Dataflow Gen2, the error message is understandable, but it is not possible to identify where the error occurred.We would like to see the behavior of the error each time as We add steps.
When we delete a dataflow from workspace, some elements appears and stay in the workspace. - DataflowStagingLakehouse - Lakehouse- DataflowStagingLakehouse - Semantic Model- DataflowStagingWarehouse - Warehouse- DataflowStagingWarehouse - Semantic ModelWe wan...
Request to add packages tsibble (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tsibble/index.html) and fpp3 (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/fpp3/index.html) to Power BI Online. This would allow plotting of time series data using functions gg_season(), gg_subseries(), etc., which enables sea...