Change position and format of "fix drill down icon". It looks like a down arrow and causes confusion among users. Here a links to a post with explanation:
Please be able to track embedding of dashboards and reports. I understand the following URL. Usage metrics for dashboards and reports ------ Usage metrics will track usage of reports that are embedded in SharePoint Online. However...
When exporting a file to excel, the file name is always "data.xlsx." Would be more useful if the export took the name of that report, that tile, or that dashboard instead
Allow for the markers on scatter and line charts to be sized smaller.
In order to eliminate the blank space in the graph, you need to manipulate the size of the pie chart. I can edit the size and color of the font, but sometimes I want to shrink or enlarge the actual pie chart. Please add the function.
Please support vertical warterfall chart orientation
Able to connect to data flows from Excel just like you can with datasets would be useful.
Each workspace should have all three environments, dev, QA, prod built into it. Transferring dashboards & reports across workspaces via PowerShell is not a very good solution. Dev could be done either on the desktop or the service. Only members and contributors can see content in this space. ...
Email clients do better at differentiating conversations based off of the subject. But all emails sent from Power BI for the same report have the same subject. The default subject should include the timestamp that the original email is sent.
We're looking at bringing Excel connectivity to Dataflows. Stay tuned!