Cant see this idea anywhere however having the ability save reports created in the online tool to local .pbix files would be really handy. Some users prefer to use shared datasets in a workspace collaboration and so being able to download the file after the fact would serve to help version files ...
on gauge chart there should be an option to make the color change depending on your distance from the destination or along the radial area..
Add ability to create 3D bar graphs / pie Charts like you can create in Excel.
I am sending data from Stream Analytics to powerbi. I want to show the last measurement value that I have received in the Card diagram.
We have +100 reports: mainly SSRS and (advanced) Excel 2013 reports/dashboards. It would be extremely useful if we could access these reports + Power BI dashboards all from one location: Power BI, so it would be easier for people to find the right report/dashboard instead of looking at different ...
Release PowerBI as Open Source Javascript Lib I would love seing Microsoft releasing the Javascript library redering the graphs as Open Source to be used in plain web-apps.
Let users pick which information is shown when hovering mouse over a certain chart. (i.e. a pie chart shows percentage and its mouse-over shows absolute value)
If I need to create a dashboard for two regions - let's say East and West - I have to re-build it from scratch. I'd like a way to duplicate the dashboard, with the same connections, tiles etc. that I can then customize.