Hello!Since March 2022 date picker week starts from Sunday and there is no way to change it to Monday. It's highly inconvinientWould be more powerful, if there also were week numbers in regional format or a possibility to change itAnd picking just one date is highly needed...
Hi, We already raised a request to Microsoft in regard to making user defined functions available in the PowerBI REST API. I Below are the details which we provided to Microsoft:</s...
Hi All, At the moment goals/sub goals can be created only with edit access to the workspace. It would be great to have this at the goals level, so the users can be given the required access at the goal level rather than the entire workspace. Reports are accessed via an app by...
Actually Power BI Desktop will directly invoke python.exe using the path declared in the Options. Sometimes this will lead to a weird error ("ADO.NET: Python script error") when you use conda environments. This is due to the fact that Anaconda requires the environments to be ...
At present there is no option of a 'one click drill through' - most involve at least two clicks.What I've frequently been asked by consumers of my reports is the ability to say click on a product within my table visual and it take my through to the details page I've created -...
Currently, by default date data is formatted as mm/dd/yyyy when exporting data excel file from a visual in PBI Service. This is inconvenient for users that use different date systems and the export data function should have the option to format the date into yyyy/mm/dd.
Currently bookmarks created are personal in nature and cannot be shared. We have several use cases where users have requested the ability to be able to share bookmarks with other users (i.e. management, senior leadership...etc). These target end-users would not be creating their own custom rep...
Currently the standard scatter visual displays the data as points in a two-dimensional space where we can add fields to the Details, Legend, X Axis, Y Axis, Size, and Play Axis. It would be immensely helpful for advancing data science capabilities in Power BI if we could add a line to the scat...
Power BI allows users to subscribe to reports. There are instances where there will be an issue with the contents of the report and it would be helpful for recipients to reply-to the email. Unfortunately, no current ability to set this. Please add reply-to as an optional field in the subscr...
This is regarding the issue located here: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/Power-BI-Table-Visual-not-showing-double-rows/m-p/443405#M204922 I don't think that is the right behavior to show only first record, when setting is 'don't summarize data'. It looks like 'Don't summarize data' wor...