Analytics lines such as Constant line, Min Line, Average Line, etc. are only possible on the visual "Line Char"t. It will be great to add these analytics lines with the visuals "Line and column chart (stacked or clustered)" and add the possibility to choose which scale (start and end) it must be ...
We are aware of that the Date and Time Column is applied in UTC time by the default when importing data including the column in Power BI so far. Since there is a time lag between the localized time zone we set, we have a difficulty in acquiring the data accurately. In addition, the users have an ...
When you create a 'New Group...' under Queries view in Power Query a default 'Other Queries' group is also generated. Currently the ability to rename or delete this group is disabled. Please allow this functionality.
1. Provide color codes for various colors in different shades. 2. Insert a color picker so that to find exact match of color. 3. If I enter any color code(Ex. HEX codes) it should provide me particular color for that. 4. Modify custom color option to select range of colors.
The KPIs available in Power BI Report Server are extremely useful but are limited to a single dataset. Often data must be merged from many data sources to create the necessary values to support the KPI. Power BI allows for the querying, merging and transforming steps necessary. Now we need a w...
It would be great if it would be possible to display images on axes of charts. Now only the URL is displayed. It would open up a whole range of opportunities! See for concrete example
It is necessary to export to pdf format from the Power BI Desktop, not only with the Pro Version. If you want to establish a difference, you could include a water mark in the Desktop.
We are using the Scatter Chart for Project Portfolio Analysis. Compared to Excel, the "Category Label" feature is too limited. In the Scatter Chart, I show the Project name as Category Label. But it is very difficult to tell which bubble is which project, especially when they are overlapping. In ...
I need to have the filter which is based on the other filter so likewise i need all the filters to be based on other filters so it would be great to have that option on Power Bi EG: If we select Country in the filter then only the state which is in that country only should display. Thanks
I would like to create a bookmark with a visual in spotlight mode AND provide a button to return to regular mode. Currently (as far as I can determine) I can place a visual in Spotlight mode and then add a bookmark for this. I can then link this "spotlight bookmark" to an image for the user to c...