If a dashboard has a pro feature activated, its difficult to know which feature it is. Most of the time it ends up being that multiple refreshes per day have been configured by accident, but highlighting the pro feature in place would help us know why its pro.
Power BI Q&A engine is great , But most of our user are native hebrew speakers. Can Q&A support hebrew ?
Hello When we have a onedrive Excel Powerpivot datasource, if the file has any problem, name changes, file is deleted or similar, then the datasource link can get broken. In this case, we see NO error and when we notice, we need to recreate all reports and dashboards. Solutions can be: -ability t...
When working on projects as a developer often times during the standard ALM process you are rquired to check your finished work into TFS or some other form of a code repository. There should also be a way to re-publish a dashboard without having to recreate it from scratch.
you should add a web crawler to the DATA sources. it would have been very helpfull to analize data that is taken from vrious web sites such as online stores.
Power Bi should enable R Integration which is the best for Predictive Analytics now-a-days
If you want to update a report on a dashboard, currently you have to click the pin button again and it adds the new copy but keeps the old one there. It would be nice if it just replaced the old one.
I would like to be able to use Power BI Designer with the data sets that have been automatically created by Azure Stream Analytics. Either this, or the browser based report editor experience embedded in Power BI needs to be the same as is available in the Power BI Designer. I don't mind which.
It would be nice if the scheduled refresh would work for workbooks containing pivot tables, graphs, and the like