A Pareto in Power BI should be at least as easy as it is in Excel. You shouldn't need to write custom calculations for it.
You can create a vertical line from "Insert Shapes" but not a horizontal line. It would be nice to do both
I'd like to be able to Refresh one Data Source instead of having to refresh all Data Sources. Some sources are mega data and too timely to refresh, but need to refresh a smaller data source in the report.
In addition to percent of total, the percent of column / row total is still missing. Please add this to "Measures"->"Show measures" (and make it available to SSAS tabular, too)
'alerts's/notifications for multiple channels in multiple formats - business users are interested when data is impacted, and would like to be notified in via custom devices they use (iPhones, Surface Pros, iPads) - The 'alerts'/notifications service is based on user preference (opt in and out), m...
I understand RLS can be used to limit this but it would be much easier to lock a page with page level filters and have the users only see certain sets of data. If I want my end users to be able to change this then I would just make this filter a slicer and add it onto my page. Locking page leve...
If my PBI report exceed the limit of 15 pages for export in Power Point, it would be nice to have the possibility to select which pages to be included into export.
With Oracle no longer supporting crystal reports, Education institutions would jump on Power Bi if it could connect to queries in Peoplesoft.
I have set up daily refresh of a dashboard in Power BI service. But, when I export its report into PowerPoint. It does not show its most recent data refresh date. Instead, it seems to show the date when the report was published, not refreshed. Please fix it. Thanks.