Adjust column width! It is very tedious to adjust the column width in tables. You have to adjust the width individually for each column. My idea: Enter the column width for the row headings and for the column headings. Of course, it should still be possible ...
When tooltip has scroll, it's not possible click inside and scroll.
Trying to show growth in similar groups of people but with vastly different sizes means that showing them on the same line chart tends to hide trends in groups with smaller numbers. There is a custom visual Small Multiple Line Chart which starts to address this by being able to split one chart in...
It would be nice if users of Power BI Embedded could also comment on reports and dashboards. Of course we would have to use the API to give the users some sort of identifier since a user that logs-in into a bespoke app might not be access Power BI with their own credentials.
Would love to visualize streaming data from Apache Kafka topic(s) instead of having to use Event Hub.
Similar to in Excel, please enable a feature to hide values With no data in a slicer. E.g. I have a Dimension with a list of locations that change over time. I want my slicer to ONLY contain the locations that have data in 2017 (if I add a report level filter to filter for 2017). Currently, the ...
With the latest May updates, we now have the preview feature of the 'Relative Date Slicer'. We really like this new preview feature, but because of the fact that one essential thing for us is missing, we can't use it at all. It would be great to manually set the start day of calender weeks, beca...
Having a pbi streaming data set (with history) with a column of type datetime (filled by a stream analytics output). Power BI Portal Language is set to "German". But display in pbi report table is still in format: mm/dd/yyyy. What I need is: dd/mm/yyyy. I don't see any possiblity get the desired ...
it will be greatrif we will have the option to move between pages acording to button list.