It would be a great help if it was possible to restrict the access to Dashboard comments based on either row level security or the person you "tag" in the comments. Sometimes we have comments that are only relevant for some employees (for example comments related to sales organization in UK only ...
Please add an option for label reference with the colour as well as the value on a stacked bar graph. This is achievable in the donut chart which allows you to set the label style to "Category, Value" but not on the stacked bar graph.
There are several reasons why Report Owner hide some pages in the report. That means, only Report Owner could decide should report consumers be able to export those hidden pages or not. Would be nice to have an additional option in Power BI Desktop allowing this control.
Change position and format of "fix drill down icon". It looks like a down arrow and causes confusion among users. Here a links to a post with explanation:
I suggest Microsoft should split the Power BI Pro license in Two: Power BI Pro Author : 9.99 $/user/month (can read/write/share reports and dashboards) Power BI Pro Reader : *.** $/user/month (can only read reports and dashboards) If you are agree? Please Vote.
I would like the ability to set value axis min and max values based on a formula or a calculated measure so they are dynamic depending on data selections.
Export to PDF should export all pages. As of now it only exports one visible page even though report is having 20 pages
Allow for the markers on scatter and line charts to be sized smaller.
The new filters pane is GREAT! It 'almost' replaces the need for a slicer pane (done with a hacky approach with bookmarks). One big limitation of the new filter pane is that we cannot rename column names or group filters together. If we could override column names in the filters pane and possib...