Hi,Please make the Power BI visuals Loading Spinner Icon customizable, or just make it more visible.Now it is unuseable...<span style="color: rgb(50, ...
We need to track view activity at report page level. To know which users are viewing which page in the reports..Just report level view activity won't suffice.Kindly update Get Activity Events Api to allow tracking page level view activityThanks
Per the M language specification, #sections[Section1] should return a record containing one field per query in the project, with that field's value set to the results of the given query.Power BI Desktop and Excel work this way. However, Power Query in dataflo...
Hello,Please implement a feature to restore a deleted dataflow because it`s easy to delete it. The delete option is the first one when you click on the data flow more options. We had an accidentally deleted data flow which was used for 15 reports and all the reports ha...
Today, when you make a SQL Query in the Datamart you only have the option to export in .xlsx, why we can't save this query inside the Datamart to use in the creation of reports. I suggest to make the Query and have the option of use it like a table or save inside the datamart to turn th...
A new option for scheduling of refreshing data monthly. Sometimes data isn't updated daily or weekly and it should reduce resource on the system if refreshed less often.
We have a report in our power bi app and which has hyper link to other reports in same power bi app. The link is the full url to these report/sections. When the link clicked, it will open in a new tab. Is it possible for force these link to open in same tab ?...
Currently, we can configure admin, member, contributor, and viewer roles as workspace role, but I want to set permissions in more detail. For example, one role is not able to refresh a dataset, but this role can view the history of the dataset in Power BI Service.
Please vote for this idea if you want to see Dynamic Column Header Title in Matrix Visual.Thanks.
Adding small multiples for scatter chart graph could be interesting
Charles Webb (administrator)