I have come across a few occasions where it would be great to have the following options in the relative date slicer: - Quarter - Financial Year This would be a great addition to the already immensely useful slicer.
Excel binary file .xlsb as a data source works well for few query steps but starts crashing soon with error as "External file format not supported". Please enable excel binary file format support or provide an error in the beginning so that query steps are not performed at all.
Currently, the Print function only prints the page on the screen. Would like to able to print all pages of a multi-page report.
I would like to create a hyperlink, which doesn't start with http or https. It is a link to a page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Is it possible to create such a link?
Currently, you can only export those Power BI report where total report pages are less than or equal to 50. If a report has more than 50 pages and you try to export it (PDF/PPT) you get an error message saying: Unable to export more than 50 pages Your report exceeds the maximum number of pages ...
Today the bubble size is automatically readjusted and does not allow to have bubbles too large or too small. I would like to have the option to disable this and have the area of my bubble to be always proportional to the 'size' value.
It would be really handy if there was a way to export the relationships between your database tables into a spreadsheet or table. for me i keep track of a lot of things in OneNote and entering all the tables and their relationships becomes more unmanagable once you have a lot of data. If a user c...
Through the ability to connect to a Sharepoint Folder, we can connect Power BI to the OneDrive for Business root folder. This is excellent and very important, but insufficient. Most projects require that files be organized in subfolders, to which direct access is not allowed. There are ways to do...
Ability to select multiple columns (using ctrl/shift) for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop in the Data mode