Control over axes ranges
Allow setting of the min and max value displayed on a visual's axes
Top N Filters
Create a filter that allows me to say 'Show the top N categories by value', e.g. 'Top 5 countries by sales'
Complex filter conditions
Allow me to specify OR conditions across fields in filters. For example "Where sales > 10000 OR where name = 'UK'"
Arithmetic in Q&A questions
I want to be able to write a question that says "Revenue - Tax over time" and have Q&A create the calculation for me on the fly.
Link dashboard tile to something other than where it was pinned from
I'd like to be able to create a tile by pinning a Q&A answer (e.g. a single KPI figure) but have it open a different report when you click on it (e.g. a report with multiple detailed charts)
Make filters that can apply across all pages in a report
Currently you can set a filter that applies to an individual chart, or at a page/view level. You should also be able to make a filter apply across all the pages/views in a report.
Customize the formatting of numbers
You should be able to control the formatting of numbers in tiles on the dashboard and in reports. For example a tile that shows "0.1M" might be better with a more precise number like "123,456".
Radial gauges
Add gauge visuals to show progress toward a target. Some inspirations: