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Fix the redesigned Power BI Ideas site

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Jeffrey Weir's profile image

Jeffrey Weir on 2020-10-17 02:01:48

There are so many design flaws in the Ideas Site redesign that I can't even recall them all. But here's the issues I can remember. I encourage others to leave additional issues in the comments

1. Clicking on an ideas link posted in say Twitter takes you to the idea, but you are then prompted to log in, and once you do, it takes you to the Home page and not to the idea you originally clicked on.

2. Many users have detailed that they can see Ideas on the mobile Ideas site but can’t vote for them even when logged in as there is no visible vote button on some phones.

3. In desktop, clicking Vote doesn't change the text to Voted, so you don't even know if it worked. (It makes a very subtle change to the icon, but it is too subtle to the point that it isn’t a discoverable visual cue at all.

4. The “Top Ideas” and “Hot Ideas” options serve up the exact same list.
When searching, clicking on one of the 'initial' search results then hitting the back button doesn't return you to the original search terms. You lose your search term and must reenter it.

5. "View More" only lets you see the titles of one or two of the results at a time.
The new design does nothing to address “Idea Forking”. Search doesn't show you the # of votes that each one of the forked ideas has. People keep adding the same idea over and over because Ideas does just a bad job of bubbling the most voted similar ideas to the top.

6. I personally cannot see the Ideas site in Chrome or Edge…it just doesn’t render for me. (It did for a time, but it was incredibly slow in Edge). Works fine in Firefox for me. Other users may be similarly impacted.

7. The policy change to only allowing those with organisational accounts to vote has led to what I term “Vote Deflation”: The most popular ideas were voted for when *anyone* can vote. But now, only a *select few* can vote. Meaning the positon of the top N pages of ideas is now effectively set in stone. Earlier popular ideas now have an unassailable lead.

Comments (21) Merged Idea (3)
Vote 1
Christian Villegas's profile image

Christian Villegas on 2020-09-09 14:42:58

Power BI

Add more filters to the Power BI ideas site

Add the ability to filter based on submitted dates, number of votes, etc. Not just a single filter at once.

Vote 3
Noel's profile image

Noel on 2017-09-21 05:56:35

Power BI

Use Power BI to report on this Power BI Ideas Site

My suggestion applies to this site in general. I'd like to see which top ideas were implemented and which ones were not. So a way for you to be transparent with how much you are listening to your users. Wouldn't it be great if you had a reporting tool you could embed in this site to show thru som...

Vote 74
Jeffrey Weir's profile image

Jeffrey Weir on 2020-10-17 08:44:31

Power BI

Fix the redesigned Power BI site

There are so many design flaws in the Ideas Site redesign that I can't even recall them all. But here's the issues I can remember. I encourage others to leave additional issues in the comments. 1. Clicking on an ideas link posted in say Twitter takes you to the idea, but you are then prompted to...
