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Power BI

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Expand to full screen view when shared through SharePoint

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Suranjan Nandi's profile image

Suranjan Nandi on 23 Feb 2018 03:54:35

When we share the report through (open) web, end user open the url, the report comes very much full screen, nice utilization of real-estate. But web sharing is not secured!
Now, when sharing through SharePoint, it embades the report into Power BI web part and comes up with lot of white spaces and unnecessary scrolling.
If we can get a function within the Web part to "Enter Full Screen Mode", it will be very helpful from user experience perspective.

Comments (1)
Suranjan Nandi's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 06 Jul 2020 00:04:40

RE: Expand to full screen view when shared through SharePoint

Totally agree. The reduction in scale caused by embedding in a web-part takes what should be a really useful ability right down to "almost pointless" as the visualisations become too small to read. We are providing content to a large readership via our internal SharePoint-based Intranet and are receiving a large amount of negative feedback about the scaling factor within these web-parts.