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Under Review

Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

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Alberto Alpizar's profile image

Alberto Alpizar on 21 Aug 2015 05:19:26

It very annoying having to re-draw every dashboard that uses a specific report. It would be nice having automatic refresh of the dashboard tile when I change a report involved.

Comments (67)
Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Daniel Cotton on 21 Sep 2023 14:25:29

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

Has there been any updates on this?

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Jonathan Turner on 08 Jun 2023 13:42:48

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

I don't understand why Microsoft pushes on with new features, when basic functionality like this (or coloured tabs) that users are crying out for is ignored.Please at least explain why it's so hard to do.This is a feature that's been 'under review' for five years now!

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Venkata Dusi on 29 Dec 2021 23:31:46

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

Absolutely essential feature. How on earth does Power BI team expect the report developers to communicate to their end users when reports get updated, they have to unpin and repin visuals. Imagine if this has to be done across multiple teams, multiple times ! The conversation would lead to disinterest in Self service Business Intelligence.

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Juan Miguel MELERO RANGEL on 15 Feb 2021 14:53:31

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

Totally agree. Thanks for the proposal.

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Jan Maarten Boogaart van den on 15 Jul 2020 14:47:27

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

Couldn't agree more. If you have like 50 dashboards it's very bothersome to repin every changed visual. Personnaly, I would really like to see that the title of a pinned visual stays connected with the tile. Then you can make the title dynamic too by conditional formatting.

In general, I don't understand why Microsoft is so reluctant to improve the dashboard experience. For a lot of companies a dashboard page contains a summary of how they are performing.

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:06:50

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

This is seriously a big pain. As I need my dashboard to refresh daily to show at a glance data as at Today, but hey! its not happening. Also it will be nice to add flexibility of turning Header or logo off when in Dashboard LIVE PIN.

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

ChrisZimmerman on 06 Jul 2020 00:05:21

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

This is very frustrating. I have over a hundred dashboards organized into years our franchises have opened. If i make a change, i have to delete and add again. Such a waste of time. This seems basic to me, the idea that you will never make a formatting or filter change to a report visualization is 1990s thinking. This is a must.

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:04:17

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

This is starting to be a very annoying action every time I change the underlying report format

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Peter Holliday on 06 Jul 2020 00:00:37

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

Any movement on this? Absolutely crucial functionality IMHO

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Jeff Foss on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:30

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

I have several clients complaining about this very thing. This is the main reason why some of my clients have not moved forward with Power BI.