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Power BI


Tooltip a function or possibility to let a tooltip appear in a table only for a specific column

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Barbara Hofmann's profile image

Barbara Hofmann on 31 Aug 2022 08:38:47

Tooltip a function or possibility to let a tooltip appear in a table only for a specific column.

I'm looking for further possibility, (because I have e.g. 44 columns in table, without measures), that the tooltip (etc.) only shows the tooltip (info) appropriate only to the particular column, and this not at all the other columns, so the tooltip should only appear when the mouse moves over the particular column, and not in the whole table. Example: Column 33, there the tooltip should only show the background information to these values in column 33, and in column 22 the therefore associated tooltip, should only show the information for column 22, and not also the info’s (tooltip) from column 33 etc. - So to speak, a function or possibility - to determine the tooltip more exactly. This would be a very, very useful function, because otherwise the user has to read too much information that actually does not belong to this column (and the performance and overview suffers). My suggestion means e.g. similar settings-possibility as e.g. with Field formatting or Conditional formatting, here it is already possible in a table, to select a individually format etc. to each column. Maybe for my requirement only is a little extension needed –  with a little further possibility to select/choose a individual selectable column - where the associated tooltip (etc.) can be selected/specified, this would be certainly possible to program easily by the developers of Power BI specialists, or how do you see that? Or maybe develop another function, besides tooltip, to show information only about certain columns. Thank you very much. I hope you can use my idea to improve that good function Tooltip!

Comments (1)
Barbara Hofmann's profile image Profile Picture

Martin K. on 23 Oct 2023 11:42:49

RE: Tooltip a function or possibility to let a tooltip appear in a table only for a specific column

This is a much needed addition.As the author states there is a huge value to be gained if one could assign tooltips to relevant column/columns. Today one can only assign one tooltip per table/matrix. Another example on how this should add value to Power BI is that an ever appearing/flashing tooltip, regardless of where one places the cursor in the table, is annoying for the user, since it covers a large part of the visible area of the table, especially if the tooltip contains more than "a few sums". Being able to assign the tooltip to, say the leftmost column, it would take a load of the report visually and make it more "calm".