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Publish to Web Tabular Navigation

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Adam Kruzel on 06 Jul 2016 20:07:56

Publish to Web is great, but if you have 10 pages in your report, it's much more efficient to see all 10 pages as tabs along the bottom of the screen rather than a 1 of 10 with an arrow to go one by one through each page. Users want to be able to easily locate and go to a page rather than flipping through pages to find it. Just make page navigation in Publish to Web the same as when you click on white space in Power BI Online and go to the report view.

Comments (2)
Adam Kruzel's profile image Profile Picture

Benjamin Wan on 12 Nov 2021 18:55:24

RE: Publish to Web Tabular Navigation

Is there an update on this? Seems silly that there isn't the option to do so

Adam Kruzel's profile image Profile Picture

Jolene on 16 Aug 2020 03:57:21

RE: Publish to Web Tabular Navigation

When you click on the "of" between the page numbers, a list of all the report tabs will display which will make it possible to navigate to different reports.