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Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

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Paul Chehowski's profile image

Paul Chehowski on 10 Jul 2015 03:03:12

Please provide support for use of a SQLite database file in OneDrive folder as a PowerBI data source supporting Refresh capability.

Comments (10)
Paul Chehowski's profile image Profile Picture

Dare County Tax Appraisal on 04 May 2022 13:18:59

RE: Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

The fact that SQLite is not supported is ridiculous and it generates unnecessary workloads.

Paul Chehowski's profile image Profile Picture

Gustav on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:45

RE: Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

Would really like this one!

Paul Chehowski's profile image Profile Picture

Farley on 05 Jul 2020 23:18:06

RE: Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

Native support for SQLite 3 would enforce the use of PowerBi inmy company, as many apps are collecting data using PoweBI nowadays.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:09:32

RE: Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

I found a workaround to connect to Sqlite.

Paul Chehowski's profile image Profile Picture

George Santiago on 05 Jul 2020 23:06:04

RE: Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

Seria sensacional essa implementação. Além do PBI conectar nativamente com SQLite sem precisar instalar drives para o ODBC; seria muito interessante sincronizar isso pelo OneDrive. Será que já não é possível usando o O App de fluxo de trabalho da Microsoft?

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Aaron Kim on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:10

RE: Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

Is this still not supported?

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Michael Williams on 05 Jul 2020 22:37:07

RE: Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

I have a Python web scraper that I'd like to be able to funnel its results that are easily placed in a sqlite database file into a Power BI dashboard as an interface with the database, would be nice to not have to build a database viewer :P

Paul Chehowski's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:35:54

RE: Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

I would like SQLite for Spiceworks too.

RE: Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

Microsoft EFCore/AspNetCore are supporting SQLite natively for app data / logging. Would be great to see PBI embrace that cross-platform community. I want to visualize SQLite data in PowerBI!

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Andy L on 05 Jul 2020 22:13:11

RE: Provide full support for SQLite database file as OneDrive data source

Please! Spiceworks uses this type of database - and a lot of IT Pros use Spiceworks to track tickets.