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Email Subscriptions - Add option to remove screenshot

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Jason on 12 Nov 2018 21:33:33

We've had a few scenarios where we haven't wanted the attached screenshot that accompanies email subscriptions. It would be nice for this to be optional.

Comments (4)
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Jesse Moore on 07 Dec 2022 15:26:36

RE: Email Subscriptions - Add option to remove screenshot

We would also like the option under the Subscription setup page to not include the attachment in the email, just the email body, which already has an image anyways.

Jason's profile image Profile Picture

Syam Sundhar Vemppati on 29 Nov 2021 16:33:58

RE: Email Subscriptions - Add option to remove screenshot

Would like to remove the .png file from POWER BI subscription emails, it would be great if we have tenant level settings to enable or disable this. Since it is a security breach.

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David Moreau on 31 Aug 2021 20:45:36

RE: Email Subscriptions - Add option to remove screenshot

Many users think this attached .png file is the report and click on it rather than the BOLD GOLD label in the email for the actual report/dashboard.

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David Moreau on 31 Aug 2021 20:40:00

RE: Email Subscriptions - Add option to remove screenshot

Would like to remove the .png file as well from POWER BI subscription emails.