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Saving new report from report published in service - replace option needed

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Power BI Ideas Admin's profile image

Power BI Ideas Admin on 04 Feb 2020 16:17:34

I published a report into service. Then I save a copy of it using the name of other existing report. Instead of asking me, if I want to replace the other report, it just creates a new report with the exactly same name. As a result I have duplicates of the same report names, the other is the old one and the other the new one. I would like to choose, if I want to replace the existing one as you can do, when publishing a report from Power BI Desktop. Until then, I need to delete the old versions and update the new ones in app. For end users, all their changes to default options and comments are gone.

Comments (1)
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Nusc on 21 Mar 2023 19:10:50

RE: Saving new report from report published in service - replace option needed

In addition to the post above, it would also be nice if the report also preserves not only replaces the report but preserves the permissions as well.