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Please show 'on what current level we are' when doing drill down on reports

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Sam Vanhoutte's profile image

Sam Vanhoutte on 15 Oct 2015 17:23:50

When using drill down reports (for example on time), it's very hard to know where you are in the hierarchy.
Imagine a hierarchy with year - month - day - hour. When we are now in the deepest level (hour), it's impossible to see in which month-day we are at that point.

Having a bread crumb navigation on the top that show 2015 - 08 - 26 for example would be awesome to use for both navigation and visualization of the current context.

This is really important for usability

Comments (9)
Sam Vanhoutte's profile image Profile Picture

James on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:01

RE: Please show 'on what current level we are' when doing drill down on reports

Broadly speaking, it would be helpful to have a filter breadcrumb. Maybe it could live in the filter pane (for page/report scope). Navigation for the different drill-down modes could make showing the breadcrumb a challenge depending in each of the supported types:
1) Year > Quarters for Year (default)
2) Year > Quarters for all Years (parallel arrows)
3) Year > Years and Quarters for all Years (split arrows)

Technically only the first choice actually adds a new filter context. The second adjusts the hierarchy level (or field selection)

Sam Vanhoutte's profile image Profile Picture

Omaer.Khan on 05 Jul 2020 22:40:34

RE: Please show 'on what current level we are' when doing drill down on reports

This is so obvious... My workaround for this is that at the moment, my hierarchies look like: Year: 2016, Month: 2016-Jan, Day: 2016-Jan-08... That is, each level of my hierarchy refers to the previous level.

Sam Vanhoutte's profile image Profile Picture

Delora Bradish on 05 Jul 2020 22:38:42

RE: Please show 'on what current level we are' when doing drill down on reports

Adding tooltips is somewhat helpful, but when up an upper level, you only see FIRST () or LAST () . Displaying the navigation trail is really needed here.

Sam Vanhoutte's profile image Profile Picture

Sam Vanhoutte on 05 Jul 2020 22:37:26

RE: Please show 'on what current level we are' when doing drill down on reports

any plans for this one? it seems so obvious to get this

Sam Vanhoutte's profile image Profile Picture

Mike on 05 Jul 2020 22:28:49

RE: Please show 'on what current level we are' when doing drill down on reports

Agreed, please add.

Sam Vanhoutte's profile image Profile Picture

Meenachi on 05 Jul 2020 22:15:36

RE: Please show 'on what current level we are' when doing drill down on reports

It's a MUST feature in a drill down.

Sam Vanhoutte's profile image Profile Picture

Bjoern on 05 Jul 2020 22:13:58

RE: Please show 'on what current level we are' when doing drill down on reports

Definitely useful! Right now it is impossible to tell "where" i am with my analysis.

Sam Vanhoutte's profile image Profile Picture

marcelo on 05 Jul 2020 22:13:12

RE: Please show 'on what current level we are' when doing drill down on reports

Absolutely, this is an obvious requirement without which the drill down functionality is almost useless

Sam Vanhoutte's profile image Profile Picture

jwilt on 05 Jul 2020 22:13:10

RE: Please show 'on what current level we are' when doing drill down on reports

In addition, when in a chart if you drill down from say Market to Region, the regions should stay in order under their Market (like a matrix). It is also necessary to e able to drill down in a Table and Matrix