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Dataset Versioning upon publishing to workspace

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on 20 Dec 2018 18:19:01

When you publish from Power BI Desktop and override an existing dataset in a workspace, it would be a nice add-on to be asked, if we would want to keep version history of the dataset and even the reports. Similar function exists in OneDrive for business when you save a file there - why not in Power BI workspaces then as well ? :)

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Shi Ping Sia on 01 Jul 2021 21:36:03

RE: Dataset Versioning upon publishing to workspace

Yes please! I have multiple collaborators and I have saved over their datasets multiple times so far. It's really annoying because someone always had to redo all their hard work because there was no version history to fall back on. Yes the best practice is to download the .pbix file every time but it is also time consuming as you'll need to refresh/reset the data model as it won't work immediately for whatever reason.