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Page and report level filters on a measure

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Merijn Campsteyn's profile image

Merijn Campsteyn on 18 Apr 2016 02:18:42

I would like to be able to apply page or report level filters on a measure. E.g. say you have a set of supplier transactions and you want to keep those suppliers where the total value of the records is above a certain amount.

Currently it's not possible to drag a measure to the filters pane and when you apply the filter on a value field it wil filter each individual record instead of the total value.

Comments (63)
Merijn Campsteyn's profile image Profile Picture

Caleb Weberg on 12 Jun 2024 17:27:16

RE: Page and report level filters on a measure

What's missing from this idea is how to determine how to aggregate the measure. The only way I can see this working is if page-level filters for measures could somehow specify the filter context (and there are some options that require additional input, such as Top N). That, I think is why measures can't be used as page-level filters currently.

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Federico Gentile on 02 Feb 2024 15:36:17

RE: Page and report level filters on a measure

Please add this feature!!

Merijn Campsteyn's profile image Profile Picture

Sunil Tak on 30 Oct 2023 10:03:56

RE: Page and report level filters on a measure

Very importent feature. This is more than 7 Years. Please share tentative timelines for this.

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Leh Fabros on 24 May 2023 17:53:22

RE: Page and report level filters on a measure

How many votes does it need to be considered as a feature in Power BI?

Merijn Campsteyn's profile image Profile Picture

Eric Bos on 30 Mar 2023 21:10:17

RE: Page and report level filters on a measure

Just like everyone else: where's the filter by current user?

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Tristan Küsters on 14 Feb 2023 15:24:11

RE: Page and report level filters on a measure

Would be nice to have an easy filter like email = username()! :)

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Yuheng He on 10 Feb 2023 15:48:32

RE: Page and report level filters on a measure

I have the same question, this feature request exists since 2017. There is still no update?

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Christie Chojnacki on 27 Jan 2023 17:01:48

RE: Page and report level filters on a measure

Yes please. I have a report page with several visuals using the Top N filter - would be nice to set this at the page level so all visuals adjust together!

Merijn Campsteyn's profile image Profile Picture

Dan Lindner on 03 Jan 2023 14:37:15

RE: Page and report level filters on a measure

please add this feature!!

Merijn Campsteyn's profile image Profile Picture

Shivam Sarin on 14 Dec 2022 08:13:39

RE: Page and report level filters on a measure

Needed it yesterday!!