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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Card Visualization

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on 14 May 2018 18:56:15

At the moment, the "Field" in Card Visualization only allows either First Value or Last Value, which could be quite misleading.

I would like to add an additional option to display a customized text when no value has been selected yet.

For example, if the user hasn't clicked on any values in the table or in the graph, then the card should display as "-", or "Choose the Product Name", etc.

Comments (1)
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KRIS WILLISON on 05 Jul 2020 23:29:36

RE: Card Visualization

MEASURE will let you configure this! Just learned this week. Example:
Script Descr = IF( DISTINCTCOUNT('XRef'[Analytic Name]) = 1 ,
FIRSTNONBLANK('XRef'[x.Summary Description],'XRef'[x.Summary Description]) ,
"Select specific analytic to display description.")