Power BI
MergedApps Allow different user groups to see specific reports in one app (Show / Hide)
Debbie Edwards on 23 Feb 2022 17:21:28
As you know its one app per user group.
So what we do is have a master group then sub groups for specific users.
this is ok but sometimes there might be say one or two users who only want to see specific reports.
Say we have this example
User Group A User Group B
report A X X
report B X X
report C X X
report D X
report E X
report F X
Instead of having to build two sub groups. (With reports A B and C in both) It would be great to be able to have 1 workspace / App
report A Show all groups
report B Show all groups
report C Show all groups
report D Hide for User Group B
report E Hide for User Group B
report F Hide for User Group A
This would allow us to use the same workspace and App even though the user groups see slightly different reports. removing the need to create two workspaces.