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Microsoft Idea

Developer APIs

Under Review

Ability to ensure success of API pushed data without duplicates

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Greg Galloway's profile image

Greg Galloway on 02 Jan 2015 15:43:07

I'm seeing that there are occasional hiccups that I would expect from any cloud source so my app retries upload the same rows to a table in Power BI upon failure. However, sometimes that retry creates duplicate rows because the previous try actually succeeded despite the HTTP call returning an error or lost network connectivity.

I think you should implement some way of making sure we can reliably ensure we have completed pushing a set of data without creating duplicates. Maybe you just give us the ability to query the model with DAX so we can see if a row exists or not after an upload error. Or maybe there's some other way of getting a status message for a prior request.

Administrator on 02 Jan 2015 15:47:16

Thanks for the suggestion, Greg! This sounds like you're hitting some bugs (we'll follow up with you!), but better capabilities for managing and monitoring the results of API calls are definitely a good feature request.

Comments (1)
Greg Galloway's profile image Profile Picture

Greg Galloway on 05 Jul 2020 21:57:10

RE: Ability to ensure success of API pushed data without duplicates

I wouldn't necessarily call all of the hiccups a bug. For example, network connectivity issues during the reading of the response will cause my app to think the upload of data failed when in fact it did upload successfully.