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Propagate the performance boost of visual calculations to classic DAX measures stored in the model

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Yuki Kakegawa's profile image

Yuki Kakegawa on 18 Feb 2024 14:19:44

We learned that there is a performance boost in using visual calculations since they work in aggregated data. If that can be done, at the visual level, is it possible to propagate that benefit to classic measures stored in the mode?

A performance boost with visual calc is awesome. And the flexibility with visual calc gives us is immense. But at the same time, that promotes the use of "siloed" calculations like you often see in Tableau just because visual calculations work much faster.

But if class DAX measures stored in the model gained the same performance as visual calc, people will have an easier time choosing better governance over better performance.

Jeroen ter Heerdt (administrator) on 20 Feb 2024 23:10:34

never say never, but I don't think this is in the cards any time soon. It is very involved to change the inner workings of Power BI to make this happen and partly the reason why we built visual calcs in the first place.

Comments (1)
Yuki Kakegawa's profile image Profile Picture

Yuki Kakegawa on 18 Feb 2024 14:26:15

RE: Propagate the performance boost of visual calculations to classic DAX measures stored in the model

A benchmark done by my LinkedIn connection: