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Fix drillthrough in SSAS

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Power BI Ideas Admin's profile image

Power BI Ideas Admin on 04 Feb 2015 06:09:15

Fix drillthrough in SSAS Multidimensional and Tabular. It needs to work with calculations (which means that devs can use MDX or DAX expressions that specify the rows returned when a user drills through on a calculation). We also need to be able to return user-friendly column names and control column order.

Comments (3)
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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:09:07

RE: Fix drillthrough in SSAS

Yes the drill through experience is not pleasant. user defined column headers would be a nice start

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Christopher Woodward on 05 Jul 2020 22:06:34

RE: Fix drillthrough in SSAS

Is this being looked at?

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:00:19

RE: Fix drillthrough in SSAS

This should potentially be combined with ?

Drill through needs to be fixed in every way