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Add weather data sources

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Buck Holler's profile image

Buck Holler on 23 Feb 2015 22:16:17

I would like the ability to include weather data sources as an easier means to overlay weather and its relation to various data sets

Comments (4)
Buck Holler's profile image Profile Picture

rbrundritt on 05 Jul 2020 23:56:20

RE: Add weather data sources

'To better understand the ask here, can you provide some more details:

- Would real time weather data be enough, or is historical data needed also (all the time or just some times)?

- Do you want the raw weather data, a visual/widget limited to a day/week forecast, or expose it as an optional layer in the maps (i.e. radar, current temperature)?

Buck Holler's profile image Profile Picture

Arvind Naik on 05 Jul 2020 22:50:51

RE: Add weather data sources

Exactly what I am looking for. There could be different levels of weather data, for example, weather summary, daily, weekly and current data (streaming) based on parameters (location) and depth of level of data.

Buck Holler's profile image Profile Picture

JC Alvarez on 05 Jul 2020 22:26:59

RE: Add weather data sources

Great recommendation very useful for those of us in the Agricultural sector

Buck Holler's profile image Profile Picture

Herb on 05 Jul 2020 22:12:26

RE: Add weather data sources

I second this idea - we track admissions to theme parks and this would be very helpful.