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Auot Filter for Slicers

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Jack Horlock on 13 Oct 2015 07:58:18

I would like slicers to automatically filter for values that are active in the other visuals in the report. This means that they would not have elements listed that are not relevant to the data being displayed.

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Kirill Perian on 29 Mar 2022 19:48:37

RE: Auot Filter for Slicers

Does anyone know if this has been implemented? It seems like a logical thing to have - slicers are visuals and if visuals can cross-filter other visuals, they should be able to cross-filter slicers, too. Even if it takes filtering on a measure which is not equal to blank (like you have to do to get slicers to cross-filter other slicers). It's pretty normal to interact with visuals and expect slicers to be only show data relevant to what has been selected.