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Give control over whether bookmark titles appear in mobile app

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Power BI Ideas Admin's profile image

Power BI Ideas Admin on 24 Dec 2019 02:43:43

By default the name or title of a bookmark appears in the mobile app when a bookmark is activated. Having the bookmark title appear when activated and forcing the users to click an "x" to close the bookmark title is unnecessary and takes up valuable mobile real estate. Please give us the ability to turn off this behavior.

Why: As developers we often use bookmarks to create a button or web app type experience. Showing the name of a "click" action is unnecessary. We can put a name on a button if necessary.

Comments (2)
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Timequest on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:42

RE: Give control over whether bookmark titles appear in mobile app

I have opted to use bookmarks for navigation in my reports instead of the tabs for the device. However whenever a button is tapped the page loads and an Active Bookmark notification appears at the top of the report, which also knocks the report down slightly. Agreed pressing the X
on this bar removes the notification but it is a pain having to keep doing this. Really grateful if something could be done with this please.

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Gino Ciavarella on 06 Jul 2020 00:10:31

RE: Give control over whether bookmark titles appear in mobile app

The new Page Navigation feature in the March 2020 release now avoids the need to create bookmarks that are just being used for this purpose so that is helpful.

Nevertheless, showing the 'Active bookmark' message on the App is completely useless, it adds no value and takes away screen real estate. Please remove it.