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Extend DAX Format Function for colors

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David Godri's profile image

David Godri on 22 Sep 2017 20:41:53

Extend Format Function to allow color in format code like in Excel. This would allow far more expressive conditional formatting in formulas. Take it a step further and add codes for bolding, italics and other formatting types. This would allow full flexibility in formatting of reports such as bolding certain rows, etc. Simple change - HUGE benefits! The finance community will thank you greatly!


=FORMAT(1, "[[RED]] #") //formats number as red
=FORMAT(1, "[[#ff0000]] #") //formats number as red (using hex code)
=FORMAT(1, "[[RED;BOLD]] #") //formats number as red and bolds

Comments (82)
David Godri's profile image Profile Picture

Jason Flindall on 22 Jul 2024 22:48:21

RE: Extend DAX Format Function for colors

This feature would greatly extend the potential for Reference Labels to communicate contextual information in the new Cards visual. Please implement this idea!

David Godri's profile image Profile Picture

François Delepoulle on 08 Jul 2024 13:43:21

RE: Extend DAX Format Function for colors

Please, that would be a game changer especially in matrices and tables !

David Godri's profile image Profile Picture

Akhil Thomas on 08 Feb 2024 05:13:28

RE: Extend DAX Format Function for colors

Please enable this feature

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Katharina Schwarzer on 30 Jan 2024 09:41:45

RE: Extend DAX Format Function for colors

this would easen up a LOT of lifes - PLEASE consider to implement this. Using conditional formatting hundreds of times when using the same field/measure very often on a dashboard, just to make negatives reed, is SO annoying and time consuming. My customers would really LOVE this feature.

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LeGrand Johnson on 22 Dec 2023 21:12:17

RE: Extend DAX Format Function for colors

Please, please implement this asap!

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Andrew Martin on 13 Nov 2023 16:41:50

RE: Extend DAX Format Function for colors

Yes please

David Godri's profile image Profile Picture

Frank Dylla on 24 Oct 2023 12:07:03

RE: Extend DAX Format Function for colors

Please, make it available soon!

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Gagan Yadav on 20 Oct 2023 00:13:26

RE: Extend DAX Format Function for colors

How many votes does Microsoft need to take any idia to implementation stage? Hope we soon the formatting as part of DAX.

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Pilar Serrano on 12 Sep 2023 15:58:50

RE: Extend DAX Format Function for colors

Hope it is ready soon. I really need it

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Tarun Kulchandra on 09 Aug 2023 15:06:51

RE: Extend DAX Format Function for colors

Would be great to see this additional functionality for FORMAT function. Will be very useful.