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dashed line, dotted line, line thickness

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Jerome on 17 Jan 2019 01:00:15

Please add line format pane that allows for selecting to insert dotted or dashed line.

Currently, all the most common line adjustments are only for lines that are part of line charts, not for lines inserted as a shape.

Comments (1)
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Kael Dowdy on 06 Jul 2020 00:01:08

RE: dashed line, dotted line, line thickness

it would be nice to be able to change the Line Style of a Line Object placed on the report -- similar to how you can change the line style of the Analytics Lines to Dashed, Dotted, etc.

Right now, you can rotate the line and change the color, transparency, and stroke thickness, but not the style itself.

Since I need to add a legend for an Analytical line I added to a scatter chart and the built-in data-label text (which is effectively the legend for the line) ends up being too crowded with the data-points present in the chart, I wanted to use a basic line object -- but I can't use it since I can't change the line style to the same way it is for my Analytical line...