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Include workspace name in refresh failure notifications

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Matthew Wainwright's profile image

Matthew Wainwright on 11 Dec 2018 17:46:00

The refresh failure notifications only contain the name of the affected dataset. Sometimes datasets in different workspaces can have the same name, including the workspace name in the e-mail would make troubleshooting much easier

Comments (5)
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Anton Ben on 13 Nov 2023 07:15:46

RE: Include workspace name in refresh failure notifications

Will be very helpful. In some cases, you do get failure notification, but you have not access to that workspace = URL to dataflow is useless, so no easy way to understand which workspace hosts that dataflow.

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Craig Sarvis on 15 Nov 2022 16:46:33

RE: Include workspace name in refresh failure notifications

I just logged in to suggest this idea. Especially now that the deployment pipelines feature explicitly endorses the concept of deploying multiple copies of the same objects across many workspaces.I would add that it would be helpful to also have the subscription name in the notification. In my situation, we have the same named datasets deployed to multiple workspaces in multiple subscriptions.Thanks,Craig

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Andy Parker on 12 Aug 2022 18:52:10

RE: Include workspace name in refresh failure notifications

This is real problem for us, since we have the same object names (such as dataflows, datasets, etc.) in each workspace, so when we get an error message, we have to check every workspace.

Matthew Wainwright's profile image Profile Picture

Andy Hong on 20 May 2021 19:44:16

RE: Include workspace name in refresh failure notifications

This is a great idea. Would love to see this functionality added.

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Vinay M. on 06 Jul 2020 00:13:34

RE: Include workspace name in refresh failure notifications

Agreed. Our company has several different Workspaces for different regions (Houston, Calgary, London, Perth, Kuala Lumpur).

Each contains the same equivalent Dataflows and Entities with the same exact names (eg. Sales, Purchases, etc.).

When a Refresh fails and we receive the Email notification, it only says the Refresh failed for Sales.

It would be very helpful to see in the email notification that the Refresh failed for Sales in the Houston Workspace, preferably in the Subject of the Email.