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Power BI

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Query Sample by top %

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ZuheirZ.'s profile image

ZuheirZ. on 15 Jan 2019 11:09:47

When working on a report with huge data sets, its a huge pain when you're trying to clean up the Power Query side and applying the changes and importing the whole data set only to find out that it is not the results you are expecting and only to redo the same process all over again.

The idea here is to enable user to Query a sample of % of the total row available in the source. This would enable user to see a faster result on top of the changes done in power query.

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ZuheirZ.'s profile image Profile Picture

ZuheirZ. on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:59

RE: Query Sample by top %

I know the custom query function is available where you can manually select only to top n row.

I mean by sample here is by taking bit of pieces here and there according to field available, such as date. 10% of the total data source containing a data through out the year = every bit of day in the month are taken into account, not only the top 10% which most probably going to take only the earliest 10% of data which is on January / February only.