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Power BI

Under Review

Custom and Named Sets support

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Jen Underwood's profile image

Jen Underwood on 13 Nov 2014 00:55:15

Custom sets and named sets should be supported.

Administrator on 10 Jul 2020 16:04:37

Thanks for the suggestion! We'll consider it along with the others here and prioritize it based on the votes. If you want to help raise the priority, keep voting!

Comments (79)
Jen Underwood's profile image Profile Picture

Igor Shekhunov on 13 Feb 2022 21:56:32

RE: Custom and Named Sets support

M$ just ignore us!

Jen Underwood's profile image Profile Picture

Eric H. on 31 May 2021 08:09:52

RE: Custom and Named Sets support

Please support this one

Jen Underwood's profile image Profile Picture

Francois Louw on 08 Jan 2021 00:49:38

RE: Custom and Named Sets support

Using Named Sets for topcount. Power BI top N is not cutting it. Would appreciate an update on the status of this addition to Power BI. What is the holdup?

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Anil Kumar Khathraji on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:41

RE: Custom and Named Sets support


May I know when your planning to implement this? I see the ideas are raised around 2015 and its been almost 6 years but no progress.We too have a dependency on this one and its stopping us migrating other tools reports into PowerBI.

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Andreas Schott on 06 Jul 2020 00:07:53

RE: Custom and Named Sets support

Named sets have been supported in SQL Server OLAP Services and all versions of Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services. The use of named sets allows you to reduce the effort required to create reports and avoid errors.

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:01:34

RE: Custom and Named Sets support

This is a show stopper! We would need it urgently.

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Santiago on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:07

RE: Custom and Named Sets support

Please support this!

Jen Underwood's profile image Profile Picture

Alex F on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:34

RE: Custom and Named Sets support

Please fix this issue, otherwise its not possible to use almost any mdx calculations on ssas to PBI live connection

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Tej on 05 Jul 2020 23:50:55

RE: Custom and Named Sets support

Power BI not working with Dynamic Named Sets? Seriously considering Tableau for that singular reason.

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armstee on 05 Jul 2020 23:49:00

RE: Custom and Named Sets support

this is very frustrating.. why does it work in excel and not in power bi desktop. please start working on it