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Export a single page to PDF or PNG

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on 10 Oct 2019 20:20:53

Option to Export a single page only to PDF or PNG, or a selection of pages, instead of the full report option currently available

Comments (2)
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Mark Brady on 01 Nov 2023 10:08:52

RE: Export a single page to PDF or PNG

I have a report of almost 60 pages used for company monthly/quarterly reporting. When I need a single page re-exported, it is easier to publish the report and export the single page there as the online version does have that featiure. but I wish this same functionality existed in the desktop version.

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Luke Carr on 23 Mar 2022 14:39:31

RE: Export a single page to PDF or PNG

This would definitely save a few clicks, and would surely be easy to implement.My current workflow for exporting a single page to PDF involves temporarily marking every other page as hidden, and then exporting to PDF. I find this workflow marginally quicker than exporting all to PDF and then printing to PDF from the browser (with a custom page selection).As far as the design of such functionality goes, I think having an "Export to PDF" option on the context menu (right click) of each page would be easy and accessible.