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Card visuals filtering other visual's upon selection.

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Sarvesh Kumar Rajavelloo's profile image

Sarvesh Kumar Rajavelloo on 25 Apr 2024 19:26:34

Right now, the card visualization is pretty bland with not much customization. It would be nice if we could click on the card visualization and that would filter all the other visuals on the dashboard.

Comments (2)
Sarvesh Kumar Rajavelloo's profile image Profile Picture

Kieran Leigh on 26 Apr 2024 10:35:30

RE: Card visuals filtering other visual's upon selection.

How would the card be mapped onto the filter that should apply? When cross-filtering from a chart, it is the axis field that is used as the filter. But cards don't have an axis. (Yet, as Small Multiples is planned for the new card). Let's suppose you have a measure "% of sales that were in France". Presumably, you would want clicking on the card to filter the page to France. How is the measure turned into a page filter? I don't think it can be done in a systematic way. I would suggest the following: If the card has an filter set in the filter pane, offer that as the page cross filter. Additionally, offer a "cross-filter" group in the filter pane with a card selected. This would allow selecting "none", "card filter" (where set) or setting a whole new cross-filter.

Sarvesh Kumar Rajavelloo's profile image Profile Picture

Jamil Ahmad on 25 Apr 2024 19:44:44

RE: Card visuals filtering other visual's upon selection.

Yes, there must be a % change in there if we compare the visual value with time period as we see in Google Looker studio.