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Power BI

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Chart axis configuration - driven from data

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F Soomro on 28 Apr 2017 16:25:21

We have to show three bar charts, for three different categories. It would be nice to be able to fix the 'End' property of the y axis, so its height, to a value coming from data, for example the count of all entries. If the maximum of the y axis on the three charts is the same, it is easier to compare the three.

- Fatima

Comments (1)
F Soomro's profile image Profile Picture

Dan on 05 Jul 2020 23:34:38

RE: Chart axis configuration - driven from data

Using a measure to define the beginning or end of an axis (x or y) would be helpful. Another example is to set the starting date of an X axis based on a measure. We have a "Launch Date" that is a calculated measure and may like the chart to start at that date instead of the date of first data in the existing filter context. There may be engineering activity producing data points before the launch, but reporting only on the launched date range without having to duplicate and filter columns or create a measure that separates the two date ranges. (dynamic by product or product line for instance)