olivier hbh on 15 Oct 2015 21:21:09
That would be awesome if we could create binary map flows. For example having 3 parameters : origin, destination, and a value that would affect the arrow width.
Then the extra plus would be to be able to drill down or up according to the origin/dest, for example if the input is a city, drilling up would group by country, then maybe area and continent.
- Comments (5)
RE: Map flows Visualization
For reports connected with Supply Chain this would be a very helpfull visual to show the flows, volumes even prices to support the analyses and facilitate the decision taking.Unfortunately the Flow Maps is not validated for use by the companies.
RE: Map flows Visualization
This sounds very similar to the "Flow Map" visualization that is available in the Visualization Marketplace. But I would love to have MS PowerBI roll this up into one of the "out of the box" visualizations.
RE: Map flows Visualization
Yeah, this would be great. This idea is similar or the same as this one: https://ideas.powerbi.com/forums/265200-power-bi-ideas/suggestions/8268978-power-bi-map-routing
RE: Map flows Visualization
A map visualization to show product flow from origination to destination with the width of the arrow representative of the trade flow would be awesome. I could really use this for a project I'm working on. Something like this: http://www.graphicdesignforum.com/forum/forum/graphic-design/resources/68883-software-to-show-global-trade-flows
RE: Map flows Visualization
Yeah, I guess this would be like a Sankey diagram, but overlaid on a map. I could really use this for a project I'm working on where I'm looking at how students flow through a bunch of schools in a geographical region. To be able to visually see arrows representing flows between schools would be a revelation.