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mapbox integration

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on 18 Feb 2017 03:30:08

Allow use of Mapbox custom maps: would allow us to make geo anlysis with map that contain visual feature relevant to our business

Comments (6)
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Shiva Iyer on 05 Jul 2020 23:22:45

RE: mapbox integration

Currently there's no provision to incorporate custom mapbox maps into PowerBI. Is there any plans for that in future releases?

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:11:08

RE: mapbox integration

We are about to launch a Mapbox Visualization for Power BI in the Office Store!

As we prepare to launch, please try out the Mapbox visualization by importing the `pbiviz` file to your Power BI dashboard from the /dist folder at

I'll post official docs and a tutorial on later this week. Cant wait to hear your feedback.

The viz is super fast, performance, and customizable. Try an example dashboard at

The default Mapbox Visualization supports:

1. Styles - Choose from any Mapbox style like dark or satellite, or drop in your own custom style with any data from your Mapbox account.
2. Design Circle, heatmap, and cluster visualizations.
3. Aggregate data based on properies in clusters to find spatial trends in data, like the maximum earthquake magnitude in a spatial region.

Need to do more? Anything is possible. Reach out to our support engineering team at

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Pedro Rivera Torres Moir on 05 Jul 2020 23:08:16

RE: mapbox integration

This is very powerful. Great job Ryan. We look forward to using MapBox in PowerBI.

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Oleg Rudnev on 05 Jul 2020 22:59:16

RE: mapbox integration

Thank you, Ryan, your MapBox Visual for Power BI is really impressive (and smoothe as butter), great job!!! Waiting for further updates soon, with new features (layers, heatmap...)

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Ryan Baumann on 05 Jul 2020 22:58:35

RE: mapbox integration

I've been working on a beta Mapbox + PowerBI integration - check out the current status here

Add any issues or feedback you have trying out the custom visual on the GitHub repo!

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Eric on 05 Jul 2020 22:46:50

RE: mapbox integration

Our company finds Mapbox a better fit than ESRI from a price perspective. Please consider offering support of this in the future.