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API - one or more sources currently don't support refresh

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ida on 26 Apr 2018 21:36:31

I have a datamodel consiting of a lot of different data sources. One of them is Wistia API. I can refresh the model in Power BI desktop, however when I refresh it in service I get this error message

"You can't schedule refresh for this dataset because one or more sources currently don't support refresh.
Discover Data Sources
Query contains unknown or unsupported data sources."

Comments (3)
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EB on 05 Jul 2020 23:29:45

RE: API - one or more sources currently don't support refresh

Hi, Have you managed to solve this please? I am getting the same error, and on top of that I am not able to overtake the dataset in question in Power BI web.

ida's profile image Profile Picture

Jay on 05 Jul 2020 23:24:33

RE: API - one or more sources currently don't support refresh

I have the same issue when some of the sources are file based and do not require additional refresh. It would be better if it would refresh the sources it could and provide warnings for the ones it can not. Either that or allow us to specify if it is refreshable in PBI Desktop so that it can be excluded when the Gateway reviews the connections.

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Daniel on 05 Jul 2020 23:20:45

RE: API - one or more sources currently don't support refresh

I also had this issue when trying to use dynamic variable from one request within another. After I combined the requests the issue was resolved.
Possibly related