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Create a way to show NPS (Net Promoter Score)

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Anonymous on 04 Mar 2016 04:06:34

Can you create a method for showing Net Promoter Score?

Comments (4)
Anonymous's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:32:31

RE: Create a way to show NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Have you figured out a way to do this?

Anonymous's profile image Profile Picture

Jack on 05 Jul 2020 22:42:49

RE: Create a way to show NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Yeah ! Same probleme for me

Anonymous's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:19

RE: Create a way to show NPS (Net Promoter Score)

this will really be great, we have raw data scores from clients ratings (1 to 10), we also have a tab that classifies them (Promoter /Passives / detractors) but I cannot get my head around power BI to show me the the output for a date range

the formula being NPS= (Number of Promoters - number of detractors) / total number of surveys sent

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Victor Lixo on 05 Jul 2020 22:36:42

RE: Create a way to show NPS (Net Promoter Score)

This is the most important KPI for the customer satisfaction surveys