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Under Review

Optional Combo Chart Visuals

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Nick Snapp's profile image

Nick Snapp on 06 Nov 2014 05:35:17

Allow various combinations of combo chart. Example: Area and line chart. Bar and area. or two lines with different axis (pct and $). Similar to functionality in Excels combo charts.

Administrator on 10 Jul 2020 16:04:37

Great suggestion Nick. We'd love to add more features to the combo chart in the future, so the more people vote on this the higher we will prioritize it. Thanks!

Comments (42)
Nick Snapp's profile image Profile Picture

Ram . on 10 May 2021 10:46:57

RE: Optional Combo Chart Visuals

Check out the custom visual from xViz that supports 20+ configuration options - . It is available in AppSource -

Nick Snapp's profile image Profile Picture

Pat@Energetics on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:14

RE: Optional Combo Chart Visuals

would be great if we could even just select if the legend is applied to the column or the line in the combo.

Nick Snapp's profile image Profile Picture

Tirthankar on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:41

RE: Optional Combo Chart Visuals

We need to have the Dual axis , its very common use case, and all the leading Visual tools having that option.

Nick Snapp's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:37

RE: Optional Combo Chart Visuals

It would be very helpful for analysis purpose. e.g. User can create are chart to highlight are between min and max value and show line for actual values. Allow to change line color with the help of conditional formatting. If value is outside of boundaries (area) can shown in any color. This scenario is also suitable if user have dataset of predictive model with threshold to highlight outliers. There are many other scenario's please add this feature as early as possible.

Nick Snapp's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:15:27

RE: Optional Combo Chart Visuals

It would be really helpful if we can automate the visuals users are manually creating in their spreadsheets in PBI that look and feel exactly the same

Nick Snapp's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:25

RE: Optional Combo Chart Visuals

Voted! It would also be great if the combo chart would allow horizontal versus vertical orientation.

Nick Snapp's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:57:13

RE: Optional Combo Chart Visuals

yes please need these combos from Excel all the time

Nick Snapp's profile image Profile Picture

Savin on 05 Jul 2020 23:55:58

RE: Optional Combo Chart Visuals

Combo charts should not be limited only by 2 types , at least please follow as Excel combo charts options. Thanks Nick for this great idea :) This was posted in Nov 2014, any planned when it will be provided ? Thanks

Nick Snapp's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:39:09

RE: Optional Combo Chart Visuals

We are really looking for more advanced combo charts. multiplie line incl doted, additionally area chart. we want to show complexe data set in one graph which is then immedialtly showing the message

Nick Snapp's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:24:25

RE: Optional Combo Chart Visuals

Agree - At least need the same capability of Excel now, which allows for a combo chart where the chart type can be set for each measure. For example, a stacked area, stacked bar and a line, all in one chart.