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format painter

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Ludovic Bouaziz's profile image

Ludovic Bouaziz on 24 Feb 2016 19:14:33

It could be great to have the format painter into Power BI Desktop to reproduce the format we have from one object to the other (e.g. title color, police size, police font, alignement, data colors)


We have completed this idea! Thanks for your continued feedback.

Comments (4)
Ludovic Bouaziz's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:16:07

RE: format painter

Format painter should copy all design Properties of a visualization. The column Charts for instance does not copy the data colors. Format painter should also work between different Power BI Desktop reports, not only between tabs

Ludovic Bouaziz's profile image Profile Picture

Jamie Swindall on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:00

RE: format painter

I feel really dumb now that I realize I've been overlooking the Format Painter button.

Ludovic Bouaziz's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:22:14

RE: format painter

The format painter only copies the Font, background color etc. It would be very helpful if it could also copy the tile size, as this would make it so easy to quickly apply a consistent size to multiple tiles.

Also, a missing feature of the Format Painter is the ability to apply Format painter to multiple tile by double clicking, a feature that is available in Excel, Word etc but not in Power BI.

Ludovic Bouaziz's profile image Profile Picture

Welldrake on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:35

RE: format painter

It's already there under Home > Clipboard > Format Painter